Why Is There Condensation Inside Windows?

Have you ever asked, “why is there condensation on my windows?” You’re not alone. Many homeowners deal with this nuisance, particularly during the winter months. Not only is condensation inside windows unsightly, but it also blocks your view of the world outside. Is window condensation a sign of more serious issues going on with your windows, or is it normal? 

Why There is Condensation on Your Windows

We’ll skip the physics lesson and get right to it. Condensation is formed on windows when air that contains a lot of humidity (or is a much higher temperature) comes into contact with a surface (i.e. your window panes) that is cooler. Condensations forms on the surface of your window because the air inside your house is a vastly different temperature or has a vastly different level of humidity than the air outside the home. 

Does This Mean Something is Wrong with the Window?

Getting right to the crux of the perceived issue, no, window condensation does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with a window, nor does it mean you are in immediate need of window replacement. Window condensation can be formed by several factors, which include: 

  • Poor ventilation in your home: this means air is not being properly ventilated, and you may need some work in this area. 
  • It’s just a humid day: if the condensation is on the outside of your window, this is simply just the result of a high humidity day. The better news, it means that your windows are doing a good job of insulating your home. 
  • It’s humid inside your house: if the condensation is only located inside your windows, look around your home for the cause. It could be that you are cooking something in your kitchen, or it could mean you may need a dehumidifier inside your home. It doesn’t always mean there is something wrong with your windows. 

If you see condensation inside your windows, this is an issue that you’ll want to fix. Condensation collection on the inside of your windows can cause water damage and mold or mildew issues if the problem persists. 

Check All Your Windows

If you notice that condensation only collects on one or some of your windows and not others, or if one or if water condenses on one or more windows much more quickly than others, this could mean that there is a draft problem in your home. Check around the affected windows to feel if there are any drafty areas. The issue could be that your window is too old or not properly sealed, which means it either needs to be repaired or replaced. 

How to Reduce Condensation on Windows

If condensation on your windows continues to be a problem, there are many things you can try that may fix the issue: 

  • Use a dehumidifier 
  • Cease using a humidification system 
  • Use ceiling or floor fans to help circulate air (run ceiling fans clockwise during the winter months) 
  • Keep the bathroom door closed and run bathroom fans when you bathe
  • Crack open a door or window for a bit 
  • Increase the temperature in your home a little bit 
  • Cut back on house plants and store fireplace logs outside 

Finally, it may just be time to replace your windows. For better insulation, and to reduce condensation on your windows, consider investing in energy efficient windows or those with double pane glass. 


Ready for some new windows? Give the window experts at Schmidt Roofing a call today!


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