What Happens to Your Roof as it Ages. See the Signs of an Aging Roof

As time goes by, your roof can be damaged by hail, wind, extreme temperatures, and many other natural elements. Even if you keep your roof in good repair, nothing can stop it from wearing down over time. You will eventually need a roof replacement at some point. Just because you don’t notice a leak inside your home doesn’t mean your roof isn’t slowly failing and putting your entire home at risk. What happens to your roof as the years go by? These are the major signs of wear and tear.

1. Granule Loss on Shingles

New shingles contain granules to divert water and reduce damage from the sun. In very moist regions, granules can also prevent moss and lichen growth. 

As shingles age, they lose flexibility. Granules flake off, leaving the shingles slick. Water may cling to your roof for a longer period of time and the sun will become even more destructive without the granules protect against UV light and water.

2. Rusted or Damaged Flashing

If you’re getting a new roof, you should at least have your flashing checked out and replaced if it’s showing signs of wear. While flashing along the edge of the roof is fairly straightforward, the flashing around chimneys, attic vents and plumbing vents should also be checked out and replaced. 

Rust thrives in moist conditions. If you live in a humid part of the country, it’s probably a good idea to get your flashing checked out any time that you notice rust. It only takes one small leak to do a great deal of damage to your home. New flashing can be installed when having a full roofing replacement done on your home.

3. Sagging Decking

Decking can be damaged by several things, including:  

  • Excessive temperatures 
  • Moisture and rot damage 
  • Penetration by insects 
  • Too much weight from above, such as when roofing shingles have been layered rather than torn off and replaced 

If your decking is sagging, it will need to be replaced when your new roofing is installed. If you don’t know how many layers of shingles you have on your house, contact a professional to get the stability of the structure checked out. Sagging decking can lead to larger structural issues and leaks if left untreated over the years.

4. Loose, Broken, or Missing Shingles

When shingles are new, they are naturally flexible. Over time, they lose this flexibility and become brittle. Old shingles that have suffered a lot of sun, wind and water will can warp, break, and even come loose during heavy winds. The most telltale sign you roof needs to be replaced is lie within the shingles, which is why it’s important to have them checked periodically. Doing so will help you avoid a lot of issues down the road.   

Old shingles are prone to tear and break off when exposed to stress, such as strong winds. If you notice that your home is missing shingles after a storm, roofing replacement is likely in your future. 


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