Your roof provides your home or business with an essential defense against exposure to the elements. In addition to preventing snow, rain and ice from entering the building, the roof also keeps pests and animals out.

At the same time, the roof assists with indoor temperature control and energy efficiency. While you might initially think of shingles when you consider a roof replacement or installation, a roof is actually a system of three vital layers. One of these layers is called the underlayment.

What Is an Underlayment?

When you look up at the top of your home or business from the attic, you will see framing material. From the exterior, the top of the building is covered in shingles. In between these two layers is the underlayment, which is also sometimes called a shingle underlay. Its primary purpose is to block moisture from entering your property through the roof, but it also has other critical functions.

There are three main types of underlayment that your roofers could use when installing your new roof. These are an asphalt-saturated felt underlay, a rubberized asphalt underlay and a non-bitumen synthetic underlay. Our expert residential roofers will assist you in the selection of your home’s roofing material and underlayment material.

The Functions of a Roof Underlayment

To fully understand the importance of roof underlayment, it’s critical to know about its vital functions. What does a roof underlayment do for your home or commercial building?

1. Fire Safety

Every roof underlay material, as well as the upper roofing materials, is rated according to their fire resistance. The most fire-resistant materials have a Class A rating. There are numerous underlay materials with a Class A rating, and these add an additional layer of fire protection to your home or commercial property. As a result, they promote the health and safety of everyone in the structure and can minimize loss in the event of a fire. In some locations and situations, a Class A material is required.

2. Curb Appeal

It might be easy to overlook your home’s or business’s roof when you think about curb appeal, but an improperly installed or poorly maintained roof is an eyesore. The roof underlay is a base layer that the asphalt shingles are installed on. It creates an even surface to ensure that the shingles are properly installed and level. As a result, the roof underlay is essential for creating a smooth, clean roof surface. This benefit is enjoyed from day one after the roof installation. Because the underlayment is a protective feature as well, it continues to support the optimal curb appeal of a quality roof over the years.

3. Moisture Barrier

Generally, a roof underlayment material is either completely waterproof or highly resistant to moisture. Typically, the uppermost layer of a roof is also a solid moisture barrier. However, when that layer is damaged, such as by strong winds and blowing debris, moisture can reach the next layer in the roofing system. The roof underlayment is an essential moisture barrier that adds to the impermeability of the roof. In the event that the shingles or other upper layer of the roof is damaged, it prevents water from leaking into the attic and structure. As a result, it directly minimizes the risk of property damage related to water exposure and mold growth.

4. Protection From the Weather

Regardless of whether your roof is made from asphalt shingles, metal or another material, the outer material plays the essential role of protecting the interior of your structure from the elements. This includes UV rays, strong winds, rain, snow and ice. The outer material, however, can be damaged. This might occur during a severe storm or even on a windy day.

Even UV rays will deteriorate shingles over time, which results in weakening, cracking and other issues. Without an underlayment, a damaged outer layer exposes the underlying roof structure and ultimately the building’s frame and interior to the elements. This can lead to structural damage and other devastating consequences. The underlayment is a secondary protective layer that acts as a vital safeguard against the elements.

5. Protection From Pests and Wildlife

From the smallest insects to birds, snakes, rodents and other critters, pests and wildlife often seek shelter in homes and businesses throughout the area. Many insects and pests can squeeze through small cracks and crevices that you might not be aware of, including gaps that you might assume would be too small for anything to enter through.

Once inside, they leave behind droppings that can cause serious illness and disease. They chew insulation and electrical wiring. Damaged wires can result in flickering lights, the inability to access electricity in some areas of the building and even a structure fire. In the event pests and insects find their way beneath the shingles, the underlayment adds another layer of protection to minimize these risks.

6. Optimal Energy Efficiency

Roof shingles endure the tremendous forces of Mother Nature on a daily basis. While they are manufactured with durability in mind, extreme forces can cause the shingles to break, crack, curl or deteriorate. In many cases, the property owner is unaware of the advancing roof damage until a roof inspection is complete or they notice a water leak. Observant property owners may also notice higher energy costs even when they cannot see the damaged area.

While damage to the uppermost layer of the roof can result in decreased energy efficiency, the underlayment is an airtight layer. Air may penetrate underneath the damaged upper layer, but it cannot enter or leave the structure as long as the underlayment remains intact. In addition, the underlayment is another layer of insulation on the top of your home or business, which further promotes optimal energy efficiency.

7. Roof Deck Protection

The innermost layer of your roofing system is known as the roof deck. The roof deck, which acts as a frame for the roof, allows the roof to perform its vital functions without fail. However, the material used in a roof deck does not hold up well against the elements.

Exposure to moisture can lead to water damage and mold. The deck material will warp and weaken due to this exposure. The underlayment is a waterproof or water-resistant layer that protects the roof deck from the elements. It also makes the roof airtight for additional protection from humidity.

Contact Us Today

At Schmidt Roofing, we are proud to be your trusted source for all of your residential and commercial roofing needs in Burnsville. If you plan to install or replace your roof soon, we can review the available materials with you and provide a competitive estimate for installation. If you are unsure if a replacement is needed at this time, we are happy to provide our recommendation after we complete a professional roof inspection.

Call our expert roofers at Schmidt Roofing today to set up your next service.

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