As winter wanes and spring makes way for better weather, it’s now time to get outside and take a look at the different parts of your home that may need to be repaired or replaced. The brutal weather may be over, but that doesn’t mean your home is safe from damage. Rain and water can still cause a lot of havoc, which is why many people choose to have new renovation projects done on their homes as soon as the weather permits.

Ready to get outside? Here’s what you should be doing and looking for as you make your way around the outside of your home.

Start Inside

It’s a strange tip but starting inside your home is a critical part of assessing the health of the exterior of your home. If you have an attic space, head up there and make sure that your insulation is looking good. A key component of your roof’s health is its insulation. Without it, many issues like sagging, water damage, and mold can occur.

While you’re inside, check your windows to make sure they are opening and closing and are properly sealed.

Head Up High, But Be Careful

If you are able, get up on a ladder and check out your roof and gutters. If you are unable to do so, find someone who is able or hire a professional to inspect your roof and gutters. You should be checking to ensure your gutters are clear of debris and animals, and that they are properly allowing water to run through them.

For your roof, you want to make sure there are no loose or missing shingles, sagging spots, moss or fungus growing, or spots that do not appear to be sealed (around your vents, chimney, flashing, etc.). If anything appears to be damaged, contact a roofing company for help.

Check Your Windows

The exterior of a window is just as important as its interior. You want to make sure that the glass is not damaged, the trim is intact, the caulking is still holding up, and there are no open spots where the siding meets the windows.

While you’re looking at your windows, take this opportunity to give them a good cleaning so that you can enjoy the views of spring!

Finally, Check Your Siding

Take a walk around your home to examine your siding, particularly where it meets at the corners of your home and along all the seams. If your siding is old, this is generally where it will begin to show signs of wear the most. This is also the number one place where water can penetrate. You also want to check areas where there are vents, cable wires, or any other places where the siding has been opened. If it looks like there may be wear, it may be time for new siding!

Quick Inspections Save You Money

Checking out the exterior of your home may seem like a chore, but it’s well worth it. Even a quick inspection of the outside of your home is enough to catch issues that can lead to big problems. Remember that big problems lead to big expenditures. If you want to avoid paying to repair damaged areas on your home due to aging exterior elements, give your home a quick once-over this spring!

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