With snow and ice accumulation on rooftops, leaks during the winter are an all-too-common occurrence. They are also hard to fix since roof replacement and repair are no easy tasks when snow covers everything, and temperatures drop below freezing. Homeowners are best served trying to prevent leaks from occurring, rather than planning on repairing them when they do come out of nowhere. To protect your home during the winter season, here are some best practices that you must follow to stop roof leaks from ruining your winter.

Prevent Ice Dams on Your Roof

When snow melts because of the rising temperature, it runs down across your roof. Eventually, if temperatures drop again, it’s likely to freeze and pile up. This is known as an ice dam, and they are troublesome for homeowners. Ice dams can lead to water breaking into your home from the roof, which can ruin insulation and damage your walls and ceilings. Always check your roof properly and ensure that your attic insulation is helping prevent ice buildup. Maintaining a reasonable temperature in your attic space can go a long way to preventing ice buildup/

Clear Snow off Your Roof

Clearing snow and ice from your roof is a surefire way to prevent ice dams, but many homeowners forget or are unable to do this important bit of winter home maintenance. That’s why companies that offer snow removal services exist. Snow removal helps prevent ice dams from forming, minimizes the impact of those that do form, and relieves the weight of snow that can put a toll on your roof. It can be dangerous to remove snow by yourself, so always make sure to hire a professional company to help.

Make sure your roof is in Good Repair Before Snowfall

Inspecting your roof is very important before winter weather sets in. Typical bits of maintenance can include repairing or replacing broken shingles, tightening loosened flashing, and looking out for troublesome spots. Keep in mind that no number of repairs can fix a badly damaged roof. Roofing replacement may be your only option. Thankfully, this can still be done throughout the winter! It’s wise to solve any problems in advance. Don’t wait for the coldest time of the year to cause bigger problems for your home.

Ensure Windows is Sealed and in Good Working Order

Another major source of leaks during the winter season is old windows. During chilly nights, if the temperature drops significantly, it can cause the window seals to crack. When temperatures rise again, moisture and water are going to seep. It’s best to ensure your windows are properly sealed, checking first to see that no cracks or gaps exist in the seals, windowpanes, or frames. If they do, repair them as necessary or get your windows replaced ASAP.

Make Sure Your Gutters are Clear

Clogged gutters can lead to ice dams and water overflow, which can be devastating to your home. Make it a habit to clean out the dirty gutters and downspouts before winter, making sure to clear out any debris, dirt, animal nests, etc. You can also install gutter guards to help protect against the accumulation of leaves and debris.

Properly Insulate Attic Spaces

Attic insulation plays a crucial role in maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient home, especially during the winter months. The increased temperature of the house can result in the defrosting and refreezing of snow on the rooftop, which will develop into ice dams. Through better insulation and a good ventilation system, your attic can keep the temperature moderate, saving you energy costs and headaches.

Inspect your attic to ensure that the type of insulation used is adequate and placed correctly. It helps!

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