It’s time to prepare the home for the upcoming winter months as the temperature drops and the wind picks up. Making sure your home is energy-efficient can significantly lower your power expenses while keeping you comfortable and warm. Winterizing your home doesn’t have to be a difficult undertaking; paying attention to the outside of your house can have a big influence. Here are some crucial points to keep in mind:

Check Your Insulation

Poor insulation, particularly in the attic, is one of the main causes of heat loss in houses. Make sure there is enough insulation in your attic. As a barrier, insulation keeps heat from escaping through the roof. Consider adding extra insulation if your current insulation is insufficient or has settled over time. This comparatively easy modification will help your home keep warmth longer and put less stress on your heating system.

At Schmidt Roofing, we understand the ins and outs of home ventilation and insulation. Think your insulation is insufficient? We can help you shore it up before the freezing temperatures set in.

Seal Doors and Windows

The amount of energy that your home uses can be greatly affected by drafty windows and doors. Your heating system will have to work harder to keep up with the air that escapes and the chilly air that seeps in around windows and doors. Examine these regions for any possible leaks and plug any holes with caulking or weather-stripping installation. Energy-efficient windows and doors should be used in place of outdated, drafty ones. Despite the potential upfront cost, the update may prove to be beneficial in the long run due to the reduction in energy expenses.

Check Your Roof and Siding

Check your siding and roof for any damage before the winter arrives. During winter storms, missing shingles, gaps, or cracks in siding can result in heat loss and possible water damage. By taking care of these issues early on, more serious issues can be avoided later on. To keep the heat inside the house, make sure your roof is in good shape and has no leaks. Similarly, maintaining a tight seal around your home through siding repair can help save energy.

Now is the time to replace your roofing or get new siding before winter. We can help you get the job done, so reach out for a quote today.

Ventilation in Attics

Don’t undervalue the significance of adequate attic ventilation when inspecting the insulation. Sufficient ventilation aids in controlling the attic’s temperature and moisture content, avoiding moisture accumulation that can cause problems with mold and mildew. To preserve a healthy atmosphere and protect the structural integrity of your home, make sure vents are clear of obstructions and allow adequate airflow.

Chimney Maintenance

Make sure the chimney in your house is clean and in good working condition. Chimney fires can be avoided, and optimal performance can be guaranteed with a professional examination and cleaning. When the fireplace isn’t in use, consider adding a damper or chimney balloon to keep warm air from escaping.

Installing a Smart Thermostat

Changing to a smart thermostat can completely transform the energy efficiency of your house. By customizing heating schedules according to your tastes and lifestyle, these devices help you save energy. Over time, these models can save a significant amount of energy because they can recognize your behaviors and automatically modify the settings.

Invest in Storm Doors and Windows

An additional line of defense against drafts and heat loss is provided by installing storm windows and doors. By serving as a barrier against severe weather, they lower energy costs and help maintain a suitable interior temperature.

Adequately Insulated Garage

To stop heat loss from occurring in your house which has an attached garage, think about insulating the walls and garage door. Your heating system won’t have to work as hard to maintain a more constant interior temperature.

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