We’re only about halfway through the winter season, which means there is still plenty of time for you to get started on some indoor projects before the weather gets warm and spring fever makes you want to get outside.

If you are looking for something easy to spruce up the interior of your home, here are five easy projects you can tackle by yourself:

Painting (Or Repainting)

There aren’t many things that can fundamentally transform a room like a fresh coat of paint. You’re likely stuck inside because of the weather, so why not brighten your mood, and the room, by changing the color?

Painting is relatively cheap and quite easy for most DIYers. It helps to take as much out of the room as possible, then move the rest to the center of the room and cover it with a tarp in case of paint splatters. This is also a great time to repair any nicks, dents, or holes in the walls, as well.

New Trim

The color of your walls isn’t the only thing that makes a room look great. Adding new or replacing old trim is easy for homeowners to do on their own. Try switching from wood stain to white-colored trim (or vice-versa) or replacing your standard trim with crown moldings.

If you don’t have one, the only thing that you should purchase is a miter saw (which can be found for as low as $100), which will help you make angled cuts to the molding and get the nice, snug fit you are looking for.

Minor Electrical Work

Looking to brighten a room? Try replacing your ceiling fans with ones that have lights built into them or swap out an old light fixture with a nice, new chandelier. You can also make a point to test out old outlets to make sure they are working properly, change out the receptacle and plates with a different neutral color, or even replace them with ground-fault circuit interrupter outlets (these are required to have in the kitchen, bathrooms, underground basement, garage, and outdoor receptacles).

Safety is important for electrical work, so always make sure you shut off power to the room you are working in and double-check wires and outlets with voltage detectors before starting any work. If you are uncomfortable or unsure about anything, always bring in an electrician to help you out.

Replace Tiles

Unlike carpeting, which requires expensive tools that most people don’t have access to, replacing tile in bathrooms, etc. is a fairly easy task for homeowners to take on. The hardest part of the process is cutting tiles to fit around cabinets and toilets. Most major hardware stores rent tile-cutting machines (they can even be purchased for relatively little money) that make it easy for you to cut tiles into any shape.

Handles, Faucets, Etc.!

Take a look around your bathroom and kitchen. Are there any small items that you can replace? You don’t have to do anything major like ripping out sinks, showers, and cabinets, but you can give a room a nice, new look by replacing things like:

  • Cabinet handles and knobs
  • Faucets and shower heads
  • Shelving
  • Towel racks and holders

Most of these require nothing more than a screwdriver or wrench to get done!

Waiting for Spring

This should be enough to keep you busy for the rest of winter. Once spring hits, you can turn your focus to the outside of your home. If you are looking to get your roof, windows, siding, or gutters replaced this year, contact Schmidt Roofing for a free estimate.

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